CEDIC '13 - Archive


The historic city of Linz, Austria becomes a beating heart of astrophotography in Europe by holding a major event each two years in spring, that provides a unique meeting opportunity for dedicated astrophotographers in Europe to share ideas.

The Central European Deep Sky Imaging Conference (CEDIC) is a growing event that sees more international attendees each time. The second CEDIC in 2011 for example had more than 150 participants from 20 countries, including lecturers from South and North America, and the Middle East. Linz is also the home to some of the country’s most accomplished amateur astronomers.

The CEDIC team tries to invite an internationaly known key-speaker for each conference. In 2011 R. Jay Gabany from the United States was the featured lecturer and in 2013 David Malin from Australia was invited. The well known founder of TWAN and science journalist Babak A. Tafreshi was leturer in 2011 and 2013. Indeed the challenges and techniques of landscape astrophotography, now often referred as TWAN-style photography, which were covered by the lectures of Babak A. Tafreshi are much different from deep-sky imaging, but the CEDIC team intend to include all aspects of astrophotography to broaden the audience of their conference.

While most astrophotographers who have been to CEDIC report, that this is one of the best conferences they have ever visited, this does not only reflect the high quality of the lectures and the professional organization. We should also have a look at another very important thing of the CEDIC: Meeting astrophotographers (and friends) from all over the world, exchanging not only knowledge but also hanging around together and have fun. Maybe this is the reason why most of the conference attendees also join the traditional Conference Dinner on Saturday evening, where we try to show the Austrian way of living to our guests: Having a nice dinner and some beers together ;-))

We are already looking forward to the next edition of CEDIC which is planned for spring 2015.


CEDIC Spotlight Team

Some parts of this review are quoted from the TWAN Photo Report which you can find here:    link

Agenda - CEDIC '13

Agenda - CEDIC '13

Agenda - CEDIC '13

Agenda - CEDIC '13

Partner - CEDIC '13

Partner - CEDIC '13

Partner - CEDIC '13

Partner - CEDIC '13

L01 Wolfgang Promper
How to optimize your imaging performance
L02 Jukka-Pekka Metsävainio
Narrowband image processing workflow
no download
L03 Daniel Verschatse & Jose Joaquin Perez
Hacienda los Andes - a new astrophotography destination ...
L04 Paolo Lazzarini
Adaptive Optics: from astronomers to amateurs, ...
L05 Mahdi Zamani
TWAN-Style astrophotography: Tips & Tricks
L06 Nicola Montecchiari
Freeware image processing
L07 David Malin
Photography and the discovery of the Universe
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L08 Bernd Gährken
Lucky Imaging
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L09 David Malin
The natural night sky
L10 Johannes Schedler
First light at Prompt 7
L11 Gerald Rhemann
Comet Photography
W01 Lorenzo Comolli
Time Lapses of the Night Sky
W02 Frank Sackenheim
Theli - A Standard Workflow
video   video   video
W03 Vicent Peris
PixInsight 1.8 - Latest Core Team and Community Developments
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W04 Jukka-Pekka Metsävainio
The Star Removal Method in Tone Mapping
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W05 Babak A. Tafreshi
Secrets of Nightscapes: Natural Colors of Night Sky
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Partner Sessions
P01 Teleskop-Service (Christoph Wöhrle)
Living the astronomical dream - from China to Carbon fibre
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P02 Observatory Gahberg (Bernhard Hubl)
CCD-Guide 2013
P03 Officina Stellare (Giovanni Paglioli)
Introducing the new Officina Stellare RiLA range
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P04 Atik Cameras (Steve Chabmers)
Atik camera news
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P05 Oculum Verlag (Salvatore Iovene)
An introduction to AstroBin
P07 Teleskop-Austria, Nikon, Adobe & Wacom (Christoph Kaltseis)
Imaging with low price optics, DSLRs and CCDs, finishing with Adobe Photoshop CS6 and Wacom INTUOS 5
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